mercredi 7 novembre 2012

Pumpkin arrangement

Here's a nice arrangement outside Truffaut.  I liked the pots and the height of the arrangement in the pot behind.

Plants for a Green Winter 2012 at IKEA

From time to time the gardening department in IKEA has some really interesting and cheap pots.  Their actual plant stocks tend to be limited to indoor plants, which are also extremely reasonably priced and usually very healthy too, however, their stock of outdoor plants is sporadic.  They always seem to have new ideas in terms of containers and plants to go with them, so I think it's great that this might inspire people who aren't so confident with their gardening skills to put some green into their lives!

It was with great pleasure, though, during a recent visit,  that I discovered some excellent winter plants in stock at great prices (I guess IKEA are so large they can buy in humungous quantities and thus keep the prices down).

Cute little conifers at less than 5 Euros for 3 plants.  I'm using mine in winter windowboxes

Jolly curvy colourful metal containers in all shapes and sizes with serrated edges like pie crusts (or tartelettes au fraises here in France) to cheer up the house or the white for a touch of elegance.  Good for inside or outside

Christman Cactii in pretty colours

I thought these inside heart shaped cactii were really cute and would make a welcom present

A fantastic collection of small cyclamen in jewel colours.  Perfect to cheer up winter pots or winter windowboxes.  Make sure they don't dry out though otherwise they will shrivel up and die.  You might think because it's not hot, that plants don't need watering but in fact, the wind is a drying factor too, so keep an eye out.  There's less rain than we think!  Cyclamens look great if they are numerous and planted together or to fill in little gaps in an arrnagement or pot or corner of the garden.

Here's a new thing from IKEA that allows you to display your plants.  The pots can be inclined or up straight making a more interesting display.  I like this but I think there is perhaps something slightly wrong with the proportion of the pots and the structure, I wanted the pots to be larger but maybe with hanging or bushy plants it will look very effective.  Sorry didn't manage to remember the price, around 30 Euros I think...